There is loads of story as to where the carbonara came from, but what I like the most is actually from Second World War when all the GI's were in Rome. And they had loads of bacon and eggs, and the Italians acquired them in legal or illegal way and came up with this dish; bacon, eggs and pasta.

The one thing about Carbonara, of course, is a good chunk of pancetta. Pancetta is very like bacon. The subtle difference being that it's cured and longer. It's salted and hung up in drying shed for much longer than bacon. Therefore, it has more concentrated flavor and it's absolutely essential for loads of Italian dishes. It gives a lovely sort of meaty, salty flavor in the background. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find it anywhere so I just used the smoked bacon and cut it into chunks or as they say in Italian, "cubetti," little cubes.

After grilling the bacon for a while, I've put about three chops of garlic, good fistful of parsley, and spaghetti which goes straight into the pan from the boiling water.
One thing I picked up recently through cooking recipe is that they often use little bit of cooking water of the pasta just to make a little bit of sauce.

This is nearly as popular as spaghetti bolognaise, but it's much more typical of Italian pasta dishes because it takes no time to make.

Another strong contender for the origin of this dish goes way back in time, in the days of charcoal who worked outside the walls of Rome. It said they used to cook bacon, eggs and cheese. Hence charcoal, carbon, carbonara.

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